IELTS ライティング エッセイタイプ別対策 Dicussion エッセイとDiscussion Opinionエッセイ

IELTS ライティング ー Discussion エッセイの書き方

Discussion essayの構成とテンプレート

Discussion essayとは?



イントロ: 問題文のパラフレーズとエッセイのプラン
ボディー1:問題で示されている意見の advantages (利点) か disadvantages (欠点) を述べる
結論:   エッセイのまとめ

A balanced view is super important!


 【 Discussion essay type の例題】An increasing number of students choose to spend time away from school to live abroad or gain some other meaningful experience before attending college.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this choice?

In recent years, it is quite common for young adults having a gap year during their school years or after graduating from school. A year break for the students has both positive and negative effects, which will be discussed in this essay. 


【BODY 1の例】
One of the advantages for this trend may involve the expansion of knowledge and experiences in that deciding to work or take a journey will give a broader view of life. Gaining experience abroad can also allow them to understand different cultures and ideas, which is particularly important in a diverse society we live in. Valuable working experience can give a sense of responsibility and understand their role in a team setting. Through these experiences, the young adults can have an opportunity to grow and be independent away from their family. 

⇒ここでは advantages を先に述べています。

【BODY 2の例】
On the other hand, the experience of taking a gap year can make the young lose their interest in continuing study because of enjoying their life. For example, if they start working, it is difficult to resign once they gain specific knowledge and skill required for the job. The financial remuneration is very attractive for young people who are eager to buy items in trend.  Moreover, they may face some problems in adapting academic environment after spending a lot of time in work. Therefore, they probably think that it is better to pursue a career in particular jobs or do something different which can make this life full instead of going back to their studies at school. 

⇒ボディー1で advantages を述べたので、ボディー2では disadvantages を述べています。

In conclusion, having off time for young adults can have both disadvantages and advantages. Valuable experience can be gained during the year, however, they may not wish to continue their studies once they experience working and earn salary. 

⇒まとめでは、問題文の言い換えと、ボディーで論じた advantages と disadvantages を簡潔に述べて終わりにします。自分の意見は必要とされませんが、もし入れたい場合は結論に入れることができます。

※ 自分の意見を述べたい場合は、以下のように結論に組み込みます。
In conclusion, having off time for young adults can have both disadvantages and advantages. Valuable experience can be gained during the year, however, they may not wish to continue their studies once they experience working and earn salary. I personally believe that taking a gap year can enrich their life and make them prepare for challenges they will face in private and professional life. 


Discussion essayの構成と書き方 まとめ

Discussion essay タイプでは、どちらの意見も平等に論じる必要があります。イントロ、ボディー1&2、結論の構成は上記のようになります。まずは問題文を読んで、どのタイプのエッセイかを見極めてから構成を立てましょう

IELTS ライティング ー Discussion Opinion エッセイの書き方

Discussion opinion essayとは、2つの意見のうち、自分がどちらの意見を支持するか決めるものです。

自分の意見を言う (opinion) エッセイには違いがありませんが、自分の意見とは反対の意見も支える(肩を持つ-discussion)必要があるエッセイタイプですので、そこが opinion essay とは違うところ。

IELTSアカデミックのタスク2で一番頻繁に出るタイプです。試験官が求めているのは、自分の意見でない方も公平に客観的に述べられているかどうかです。ここが discussion essay と似ているところ。

このタイプのエッセイでは、必ず、自分が支持しない立場の意見をBODY 1に書きます。自分と同じ立場をBODY 2で述べる方が論理的な展開となるためです。


Having said that,
That being said,             

Discussion opinion essayの構成とテンプレート

イントロ: 問題文のパラフレーズを行い、自分がどちらの立場か
結論:   エッセイのまとめ

TIPS:自分の意見がボディー1にないことを示すため(自分の意見はボディー2で述べる)、”Those who believe A might think that…”のように「他の人々は A のように思うかもしれない」と、あくまで予測した意見であることを一貫して示さなくてはなりません。そのため、”can”, “may” などの助動詞、または、”some”, “many”, “often”, “sometimes” といった、断定を避ける表現を使うことが多くなります。

スコア7を取るための採点基準は “presents a clear position throughout the response”です。
また、Discussion / opinion essay の設問タイプは2つだけで、下記のように出題されます。

【Discussion / opinion essay type の例題 1】Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
【Discussion / opinion essay type の例題 2】It is a common aspiration among many young people to run their own business, rather than work for an employer. Do you think the advantages of working for yourself outweigh the drawbacks? 


【Discussion / opinion essay type の例題 3】It is a common aspiration among many young people to run their own business, rather than work for an employer. Do you think the advantages of working for yourself outweigh the drawbacks?   orSome people prefer to run their own business while others like to work for an employer.Discuss both these views and give your opinion. 

These days, it is a common aim of many people leaving university to try to start up their own company. I agree with this point of view, but it is important to bear in mind that running a company does not suit everybody. 

⇒このように問題文の言い換えと自分の意見(ここでは “running business” に同意)を言います。

【BODY 1の例】
It is undeniable that running business is risky. If there is an economic downturn, or you you make mistakes in your business decisions, your company can go bankrupt, which can mean that you lose everything and you have to lay off your staff. some people does not want to take that heavy responsibilities of business decisions and employment. Moreover, it is very hard to switch off at weekends, because the business is always in the back of your mind.

⇒自分と反対の意見(”running business” に反対)を先に述べます。

【BODY 2の例】
Having said that, there are several benefits of setting up your own business. For me, the main one is that you have room to be creative. Instead of having to follow your employer’s decisions, you can set the goals for the business yourself, which means that your feel more in control. This generally results in people feeling happier in their job. In addition, you can also keep the profits if they company i successful. If all goes well, you will earn far more than if you work for someone else. For instance, if you set up your own graphic -design company, and you build a good reputation, you will be able to make substantial profits. you will therefore be more motivated to work hard in order to make a success of your company. 

⇒ボディー2では 自分が同意する方(”running business” に同意)の意見を述べます。

In conclusion, although there is no doubt that there are some risks associated with running your own business, I believe that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks, however, it should be said that not everyone is a risk-taker and prefer to work for someone else. 

⇒まとめでは、問題文の言い換えに加えて、自分がどちらの意見を支持するのか、その理由を完結に述べます。上記のように “although” を使うととても完結にまとまります。

Discussion opinion essayの構成と書き方 まとめ

Discussion opinion essay タイプでは、どちらの意見も平等に論じる (discussion) 必要がありますが、同時に、自分の立場をエッセイの中で一貫させなければなりません。自分の意見が、イントロ、ボディー1・2、結論のどこを見てもはっきりしている (opinion) ようにしましょう

IELTS ライティング Task 2の5つのエッセイタイプと攻略法

  • Discussion エッセイ (このページ)
  • Discussion Opinion エッセイ (このページ)
  • Opinion エッセイ (対策ページはこちら)
  • Cause and Solution エッセイ (対策ページはこちら)
  • Direct Question エッセイ (対策ページはこちら)


Metropolitan Academy of English

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