IELTS スピーキング┃スコアアップ対策 パート1の攻略法


IELTSスピーキングのパート1は、general questions と言われ、試験官に自分を知ってもらうための自己紹介をするパートだと思ってください。最も多い話題としては “hometown「故郷」” や家族、友達についてと言えますが、その他、料理、仕事、勉強、旅行、趣味、スポーツや交通機関、近所の人について、また天気なども聞かれますので、この項目についての質問パターンを網羅すると良いでしょう。


日常的で簡単な質問が多いので、流暢に話せることが大事。パート1で頻出する質問形式は、「いつ “When”」、「どこで “Where”」、「だれが “Who”」、「なにを “What”」、「なぜ “Why”」、「どのように “How”」の他、”How long”,  “Have you ever”, “Do you like”, “Do you prefer”, “Do you ever” などの質問パターンに慣れておく必要があります。

パート1では友達と会話をするような感覚で口語的に話しましょう。 しかし、あくまでテストですので、友人でも初めて会う友人と話す感覚であまり馴れ馴れしい話し方はしないこと。スラング (俗語) 等は禁物です。パート1の例題と解答例を参照して答え方を学びましょう。


  • 仕事
  • 勉強
  • ホームタウン
  • 趣味
  • 家族や友人
  • アート
  • 子供時代
  • 習慣
  • 食事
  • 娯楽
  • 音楽
  • 映画
  • 旅行
  • 交通
  • 天気

1. “Do you like travelling /cooking /music/reading books/ watching TV?”


I like travelling, because I want to see many places I have never been. I love meeting new people and experience new things firsthand. It is very exciting with full of surprises. 

    ↑ このぐらいの長さの答えでちょうどいいと思います。


I like cooking, because I think cooking makes me relaxed and I can make whatever I want to eat. Home cooking is also a very healthy choice instead of eating out at restaurant.  


I don’t particularly like music. I don’t have time to listen, actually. I am busy working and  It have been like that, so I don’t  know anything about music, to be honest. 


I like watching TV.  I am a couch potato actually. I flip through channels and watch many kinds of programs and spend all day watching TV. No problem. 

2. “What is your favorite place to travel? / What is your favorite food?” など、


I love to travel beach destinations such as Hawaii. I love those places because I can truly relax and I do not need to think about my work at all.


I love any Japanese dishes. Particularly Tempura, it is a dish of assorted deep-fried vegetables and fish. I brought up eating Japanese food, so it is comfort food for me.

3. “Do you prefer cooking at home or eating out? / Do you prefer listening to music or listening to radio?” など、あなたの嗜好が聞かれます。


I prefer cooking at home. Because it is heathy and I can arrange the dishes only for myself. When I eat out, I find the dishes are usually salty and oily. When I want to order healthy food, it is usually very expensive.


In fact, I like listening to both music and radio. It depends on what I feel like at that time. Let’s say, I feel like listening to radio when I want to hear some conversation, or get some news or the latest hits.

4. “Have you ever travel to unpopular spots? / Do you ever listen to classical music?” など、今までの経験が聞かれます。


No, I have not. (時制に注意)Actually, I do not want to go places where few people are out there. I feel safe when I travel popular tourist spots. I like people around, so I feel secured. I do not need any adventure or surprises during my vacation.


I listen to classical music now and then. Change is a good thing. I do not get bored listening to the same kind of music all the time.

5. “How often (when) do you travel (cook, listen to music) ?” のように、


I cook quite often almost everyday because I do not go out to eat so often. Eating at a restaurant is very expensive and I try to be a healthy eater to stay fit. 


I listen to music while I am driving to and from work. So, I listen to music for 2 hours at least. I love blasting music in my car and try to make the stressful commuting comfortable with my favorite music.

6. “Who does the cooking? / Who do you usually travel with?” など、


My husband and I take turns in cooking, when he gets home early, he can cook for us and vice versa. But when I volunteer cooking when I really want to eat Japanese food. 


I often travel with my parents. They love travelling as well. They came to Toronto, too and we went to Niagara Falls, Montreal and also went to Cancun, Mexico. That place was amazing.

7. “Where did you learn to cook / Where do you buy music CD? / Where do you buy grocery?” など、どこでその行為をするかが聞かれます。


I self-learnt how to cook. I go online to get authentic recipes.  You can find anything online and we do not have to buy a cooking book anymore. 


I buy many CD online from Amazon. They have a good selection of music and even books, too. They can ship for free when we spend a certain amount. 

8. “How long have you been cooking? / When did you start listening to music / When did you travel for the first time?” など、


I have been cooking since I started living alone,  that was 22. So, I have been cooking for more than 10 years. Well, I have a good repertoire because of that.


As far as I can remember, I started listening music at around 18 years old. I know the singer as well. I loved xxxx so much at that time. Well I still love his music, though. 

9. “What kind of dishes do you usually cook? / What kind of music do you usually listen to?”のように、


I like to cook healthy meals as much as possible. I cook stir-fried vegetables, salad, and grilled fish, for example. I take advantage of fresh ingredients and am careful about seasoning not to ruin the freshness. 


I like listening to music , particularly rock music.  The reasons I like rock music are a beat, a rhythm, a personality and character, not found in any other genre. I feel alive!!

10. “Do you plan to continue your job/study?” のように、


I suppose so, I would like to be a chef and to have my own restaurant some day. Until the time comes, I need to work at the current place to save money as well as to learn and get more experience of cooking.  


I will definitely continue my study.  I am taking international relations as my major and learning international laws. The subject is very interesting. I am going to get a job in the same field if I can. 


このように パート1では、5W1H―「いつ “When”」、「どこで “Where”」、「だれが “Who”」、「なにを “What”」、「なぜ “Why”」、「どのように “How”」の質問の他、”How long”,  “Have you ever”, “Do you like”, “Do you prefer”, “Do you ever” などの質問パターンに慣れておく必要があります。また、かなり口語的な表現でも大丈夫。堅苦しい文語的な表現は不自然ですので、”though” をつけたり、”well,” を文頭に持って来たりと、パート1では友達と普通の会話をするような感覚で話しましょう。 しかし、あくまで試験官と話すので、スラングは避けましょう。


Metropolitan Academy of English

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